Below explained the BUSH-PEPPER planting and nourishing. Average expenditure also briefed (along with Legal Contract details).
First of all, planting pits to be dig, using auger machine. The size of the pit should be as per the following measurements (1.5 feet length, 1.5 feet width and 1.5 feet depth).
When the digging of pit is completed, we need to apply following items like Dolomite, Pseudomonas, Trichoderma into the pit. Adequately applying these items are useful to reduce acidity of the soil, and help to make the soil fresh.
Dried powder of cow dung 5kg(1 Tin), bone powder, coconut mesocarp. These three items are proportionally mixed together, then to be put into the pit. After that, 3 saplings of bush peppers are planted in one pit. Geo pesticide methods aslo to be applied.
After fourteen days of growth, then onwards, every-week Geo fertilizer (Foliar spray) will be sprayed on it. In case any sapling is in poor growth condition or died/dried out, they will be removed and replaced with new saplings. When the growth is reached 30 days, weeds will be plucked out and again Geo-fertilizers will be applied. The Bush pepper farm will be maintained and protected well. So that, within three month’s duration, all plants will start producing pepper. The black pepper-spike will start producing berries.